
Access to the profession: How to become an architect in this country ?

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Institutes of architecture (Universities):
- Entrance examination
- Academic training in 5 years given by several universities (Students are opposed to the Bologna system for fear of arrival of un-funded Master’s degrees)
- Degree in Architecture.
-  After a period of 3 or 4 months (during which no professional experience is demanded) one can subject oneself to the professional examination (not very selective) before a jury selected by the Technical Chamber.
- Compulsory Registration with CTG.
- Continued training: Not compulsory

Technical Universities:
- Academic training of 4 years with 3.5 years of studies and 6 months of internship
- Academic qualification limited to buildings of a maximum of two stories.
Qualification limited to buildings of a maximum of two stories

Possible supplement to the academic training:
- Complementary Master’s degree of 2 years
- Doctorate of 3 years

Certain foreign “colleges” have opened branches in Greece. They still have no right to use the term university and they didn’t give architectural degrees that can provide professional rights

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