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New publication: The economic benefits of regulation in architectural services


"As the leading voice of the Architecture profession in Europe, over the years, the Architects’ Council of Europe has commissioned various studies arguing that defending the importance of certain types of professional regulation in the public interest and disproving suggestions that such regulation does not produces unjustified restrictive effects.

Two possibly contradictory developments can be observed at EU level and even within the EU Commission. While the publicly perceived socio-political and environmental importance of planning has never been higher than today thanks to the “NEB” initiative of Commission President von der Leyen, the civil service continues to see planning as almost exclusively internal market-relevant and thus an economic factor that should be deregulated as far as possible.

Now, driven by a positive belief that our profession can work together with the EU Commission, the OECD and others- we are shifting focus to developing a set of economic arguments in a professional, cogent analysis that clearly identifies the positive effects that professional regulation contributes to the economic, social, environmental and sanitary well-being of European citizens" stated ACE President, Ruth Schagemann.

The aim of this study is to ensure a constructive contribution by the architectural profession to the debate on the regulation of the profession.



Octavian Economics & Frank Hughes Architects, Professor Dr. Alexander Rasch and Sánchez E, Múzquiz G & Córdoba E

Cover picture:
Zusammen Wohnen, Hannover, Germany  Quelle: SMAQ Architektur und Stadt, Berlin |
Photo: Schnepp Renou


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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