Time to act: For high-quality architecture and living environment for all

Ahead of the forthcoming European Elections, the Architects’ Council of Europe launched its Manifesto calling on MEPs to act for high-quality architecture and living environment for all. Read more.

ACE meeting with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola

The ACE President, Ruth Schagemann and André Pizzuto, President of the Kamra tal-Periti and ACE EB Member, met with the EP President, Roberta Metsola to discuss political priorities for the next term of the European Parliament and solutions offered by high-quality architecture to take on the challenges of our time. Read more.

Architectural Policies in Europe

With the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Architect's Council of Europe is releasing a new publication presenting the findings of a pan-European survey on architectural policies. Read more.

ACE reaction to the adoption by the European Parliament of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

On 12 March, the European Parliament formally adopted the political agreement reached with the Council of the EU on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The Architects’ Council of Europe congratulates the Parliament for this historic vote, which paves the way for the implementation of the Directive by Member States. Read more.

A/B/C: Gender balance, diversity and inclusion in architecture

With the support of the Creative Europe of the European Union, the ACE is releasing the 'A/B/C: Gender balance, diversity and inclusion in architecture'.
Download the A/B/C

ACE General Assembly: Re-election of Ruth Schagemann and election of the new Executive Board for 2024/2025

On 23 & 24 November, the Architects’ Council of Europe held its second General Assembly of 2023 in Brussels and online. On this occasion, Ruth Schagemann was unanimously re-elected President of the organisation. The ACE Executive Board membership was also partly renewed.Read more.

High-quality Architecture and Built Environment: a Political Goal

On the occasion of a workshop organised as part of the 2023 UIA World Congress of Architects, the ACE and the UIA released a joint publication entitled 'High-quality Architecture and Built Environment: a Political Goal'.

Upskilling to deliver high-quality architecture for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive environment

On Thursday 20 April 2023, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) held a public conference to discuss what are the skills, methods and pedagogies needed for a flourishing and ecologically beneficial architectural practice that addresses the challenges of our turbulent twenty first century. Read more.


The 2022 ACE Sector Study is now available on the ACE website and on the ACE Observatory. Read the 2022 ACE Sector Study in PDF Discover the ACE Observatory


"Tomorrow’s Baukultur is being created today.!" ACE is honoured to be a member of the Davos Alliance Steering Committee. Its aim is the sustainable,quality-oriented management of buildings, infrastructure, public spaces and landscapes for the benefit of all. Read more.


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Discover the winner of the EAAE & ACE Pedagogy Awards 2024


This year, the EAAE together with ACE organised the inaugural Pedagogy Awards, Innovation & Excellence in Teaching 2024. The aim of the awards is to promote excellence and innovation in teaching and to share good practice amongst teaching staff.  The 2024 winners are Hani Buri, François Esq...

The ACE reacts to President Von der Leyen’s announcement to nominate a Commissioner with responsibility for housing


In her speech to the European Parliament on 18 July and in her political guidelines for 2024-2029, President Ursula von der Leyen announced that she will appoint a Commissioner whose responsibilities will include housing and will put forward a first-ever European Affordable Housing Plan, in order to...

ACE newsletter: The ACE INFO is out! Stay updated with our latest activities!


Stay updated with the the EU policy and legislative news relevant for the profession, ACE activities as well as links to recent publications, on-going competitions and forthcoming events.     Read the latest ACE INFO here. Find more about: - ACE activities; - EU news; - Hig...


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ACE Manifesto on the New European Bauhaus


In September 2020, the President of the European Commission announced the launch of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in her State of the Union address. The initiative was subsequently embedded in the Renovation Wave strategy, where it is presented as “an interdisciplinary project that will create...

Upskilling to deliver high-quality architecture for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive environment


On Thursday 20 April 2023, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) held a public conference to discuss what are the skills, methods and pedagogies needed for a flourishing and ecologically beneficial architectural practice that...

ACE calls for an ambitious revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive


One of the highest priority is to strengthen Energy Performance Certificates so they reflect validated performance. The primary reasons for this is the performance gap, which undermines the confidence in the certificates, as they do not reflect the actual delivered quality of a project – not...

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