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ACE Member Organisation

Bundeskammer der Ziviltechnikerlnnen BAIK

Karlsgasse 9 - A-1040 Vienne
Phone: + 43 1 505 58 07
Fax: + 43 1 505 32 11
Email: office(at)arching(dot)at


Professional title

Protection of the title of architectYes
Protection of the function of architectsNo
Mandatory RegistrationYes. Compulsory registration with the regional competent Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants
If yes, where?Opens external link in new 
Competent authorityAustrian Federal Ministry of Economics, Family and Youth in cooperation with the Chambers of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants.

Access to the profession: How to become an architect in this country ?

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• Academic training of 5 years at Universities
• Qualified as Dipl.Ing., Mag. or Master of Architecture from University
• Professional training of 3 years with minimum 1 year on site
• Continued training (CPD):  compulsory, but no sanctions


In Austria the term “traineeship” is not applicable. Compulsory professional experience in Austria is not some kind of internship but normal employment for which all regulations of the Austrian labour law and collective agreement are applicable.

Requirement for undertaking compulsory professional experience as a requirement for access to the professional examinationFinal Diploma
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)No traineeship (see above); normal employment contract – labour law and collective agreement are applicable 
By who?
Compulsory professional experience (requirement for access to the professional examination)The duration of the compulsory professional experience for access to the professional examination is three years (after the degree). It can be done as employee or self-employed with a commercial firm in a regulated profession or as employee in public service. It has to cover a representative scope of tasks of the profile of the profession (minimum one year on site) and can be done in Austria or in another country.
To which conditions?
Number of hours per month required
Compulsory Professional examination Yes, there is a compulsory professional examination and the professional experience is a requirement for access to this examination.
Complementary professional education Normal employment contract – labour law + collective agreement are applicable.
Remuneration of the professional experienceNormal employment contract – labour law + collective agreement are applicable.
Trainee accompaniedIt is not a trainee but an employee; normal employment contract – labour law and collective agreement are applicable.
Specific supplementary courses organisedNormal employment contract – labour law + collective agreement are applicable.
Model form of contract available Normal employment contract – labour law + collective agreement are applicable.
Professional practice undertaken abroad taken into accountYes
Evaluation of the professional experience Evidence of the professional experience has to be given (also description of projects / time / content) for the application to access to the professional examination.
Evaluation method usedLog. Book – Standard documentation.

Liability and insurance

Compensation for damages (fault-based): in 3 years from the knowledge of the damage and the damaging party within a period of 30 years.

Warranty (not fault-based): 3 years for estate/immovable property and 2 years for movable property.

Continuous Professional Development

Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country?No regulated system; regional Chambers offer a wide variety of courses; courses can be done at any other institution as well.
If yes:
- Is it compulsory?
- Is it encouraged?
- Is it free?
CPD is compulsory, but no details are regulated.
If it is compulsory,
is it required by law,
or by a Code of Conduct ?
Both, but see above.
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
a professional body,
a governmental body,
a combination of the two ?

Is it organised:N/A
Who provides the courses:N/A
What level of training is provided:N/A
Are certain subjects mandatory?N/A
What types of activities or provisions are accepted :N/A
Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material?N/A
Who recognize (accredits) these trainings:N/A
Development of the trainings :
A. Estimated number of courses / year
B. Estimated number of participants / y
C. Estimated lesson hours / year
Level of requirements for the architects :N/A
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested,
B. Self-assessment of value,
C. Attendance tracking,
D. Self-assessment using self-test,
E. By regular checks,
F. Examination,
G. Thesis,
H. Others means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?N/A
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. none,
B.  Reprimand,
C. Expulsion from the register,
D. Other ?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD Programme ?N/A

Requirements to practice in this country

What requirements must a European architects fulfil to practice in this country ?

A notification with the chamber is not requested for temporary and occasional cross border services (requirement for this free entry is diploma, professional qualification and authorization in the home member state), but the architect is obliged to supply the client with the following information:

•    Register and identification number in this register,
•    Name and address of the responsible controlling authority in the country of establishment,
•    Professional body or similar organisation of which the architect/engineering consultant is part of,
•    Professional title / formal qualification,
•    UID Number,
•    Details about insurance protection concerning professional liability.

For establishment the authorization of the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth is required; application at the regional Chamber of Architects and Chartered Engineering Consultants; diploma and professional qualification and authorization in the home Member State required.



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