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ACE Member Organisation

Bureau Architectenregister (BA)

Nassauplein, 24, NL 2508 CE Den Haag
Phone: +31 70 346 70 20
Email: info(at)architectenregister(dot)nl
Head of the delegation: Myriam del Canho
President: Roel Steenbeek

Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA)

P.O. Box 19606 100 GP Amsterdam
Phone: +31 20 555 36 66
Fax: +31 20 555 36 99
Email : bna(at)bna(dot)nl
Head of the delegation: Fred Schoorl
President: Francesco Veenstra


Professional title

Protection of the title of architectYes
Protection of the function of architectsNo 
Professional title Architect 
Mandatory RegistrationYes.
To use the title but not to practise the profession 
If yes, Where ? Bureau Architectenregister (BA)
Competent authority Bureau Architectenregister (BA)

Architects who are registered with the BA can, if they so wish, become member of the Bond van Nederlandse Architecten (BNA), the only Dutch professional association of architects in the Netherlands. 

Access to the profession: How to become an architect in this country ?

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Academic training 

  •        Academic training of 5 years at Technical Universities (Delft or Eindhoven) and 2 years professional experience.
  •       4 years of University of Applied Science (among others in Amsterdam (only one with specialization in Architecture), Haarlem, Utrecht, Tilburg, Zwolle and Almere) and

2.5 years Technical University + 2 years professional experience or

4 years Academy of Architecture (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Arnhem, Groningen and Maastricht).

Qualified as


Degree of MSc (Master of Science in architecture by Technical Universities) or degree of MA (Master of Architecture, at Academy of Architecture).

Professional training needed?


If yes How much time


2-year professional experience required since 2015.


Additional compulsory practical training- internship2 years since 2015
Requirement for undertaking a period of traineeship YES if you want to get the title
Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)
By who ?
YES: by the Commission Beroepservaringsperiode at Bureau Architectenregister (BA)  
Practical training period
Where ?
To which conditions

At an architectural office, a municipality a governmental department or a development branche and under supervision of an architect

More information on conditions:
Number of hours per month required The ‘beroepservaringsperiode’ (traineeship) takes 2 years if you practice at least 32 hourse per week.
Compulsory Professional examinationNo
Complementary professional education Master in Architecture
Remuneration of the TraineeshipYes
Trainee accompaniedYes
Specific supplementary courses organisedYes
Model form of contract availableNo
Traineeship and practical experience undertaken abroad taken into account YES, under certain conditions and only of fully completed (not partially)
Evaluation of the TraineeshipYes
Evaluation method usedEvaluation form ;

Liability and insurance

Are Architects obligation to carry insurance?

BNA members are required by BNA Code of Conduct. No legal obligation.


Legal Basis:
- what are the most commonly used Term and Conditions:


The New Regulation (DNR2011) & Standard Regulation (SR 1997). These are the standard terms of delivery provided by BNA. Most professional clients deviate from these terms, especially relating to reliability and insurance.

What are the requirements for obtaining  Insurance?


Design contracts are mostly covered by standard conditions on the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties (usually the DNR). According to these standard conditions architect liability expires after five years from the day on which the assignment ends. In the standard conditions architect liability is often limited to its extent. In particular the architect liability is limited to the architects fee or to the advisory costs.

How are insurance premiums calculated?


Premiums are based on the risk profile of the architecture firm

What forms of Insurance contracts exist:


Professional Indemnity Insurance

Company Indemnity Insurance

Construction Allrisk Insurance  

Building Design Insurance

Insurances / Agents:


Various companies offer insurances such as AON, Centraal Beheer, Nationale Nederlanden and others.
Read the insurance sheet

Continuous Professional Development

Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country ?Yes
If yes:
- Is it compulsory ?
- Is it encouraged ?
- Is it free ?

Architects are obliged to carry out at least 16 hours of CPD per year. Among others trainings are organized, promoted and audited by BNA.
If it is compulsory,
is it required by law,
or by a Code of Conduct ?
Required by laws and by a code of conduct
If it is regulated, who regulates the system:
a professional body,
a governmental body,
a combination of the two ?
A professional body,
A governmental body.
Is it organised ? Yes. On a national and regional level. 
Who provides the courses: Professional/architects’ bodies; schools of architecture; other institutions or firms
What level of training is provided: General awareness; Regulation and legislation, Detailed knowledge; Advanced knowledge
Are certain subjects mandatory ?No
What types of activities or provisions are accepted :

All Recognised and non other courses; Workshop; Presentations; Excursions or visits

Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material ? Yes
Who recognize (accredits) these trainings : Bureau Architectenregister (BA) and accredited educational institutions, such as BNA Academy
Development of the trainings :
A. Estimated number of courses / year
B. Estimated number of participants / year
C. Estimated lesson hours / year

60 courses / year
1200 participants /year
240 hours per year
Level of requirements for the architects :16h /year
Is this required level validated or checked and how:
A. Not requested,
B. Self-assessment of value,
C. Attendance tracking,
D. Self-assessment using self-test,
E. By regular checks,
F. Examination,
G. Thesis,
H. Others means (e.g. electronic monitoring) ?
 Self-assessment of value, Attendance tracking
Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted ?Unclear
What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:
A. None,
B.  Reprimand,
C. Expulsion from the register,
D. Other ?
Do you have a database of the content of your CPD Programme ? Yes

Requirements to practice in this country

What requirements must a European architects fulfil to practice in this country ?
The Netherlands only has title regulation, no practice regulation. Register at Bureau Architectenregister (BA).  



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