
ACE Member Organisation

Conférence Suisse des Architectes (CSA)

Hirschengraben 10 - 3011 Berne
Phone : + 41 32 729 82 88
Fax : + 41 32 729 82 89
Email : info(at)csa-architects(dot)swiss
Website :www.csa-architects.swiss
Head of the delegation : Reto Gmür
President : Doris Wälchli



Academic training: 5 years

  • Qualification: Architect Dipl. EPFL, EPFZ, UIT, HES.

  • No professional experience required (apart from 1 year during studies – between the 6th and the 7th semester – for the EPFL)

  • No compulsory professional examination.

  • Possible voluntary registration with the SIA.

  • Continued training: not compulsory and not organised, but the members of the SIA have a moral responsibility for the updating and development of their competences.


Academic education


Entrance examinations


Duration of academic education

5 Years


Additional compulsory practical training- internship


Requirement for undertaking a period of traineeship

Period of traineeship supervised (overseen)

By who

Practical training period


To which conditions

Number of hours per month required

Compulsory Professional examination


Complementary professional education

Remuneration of the Traineeship

Trainee accompanied

Specific supplementary courses organised

Model form of contract available

Traineeship and practical experience undertaken abroad taken into account

Evaluation of the Traineeship

Evaluation method used

European Architects

What requirements must a European architects fulfil to practice in your country? (for example: diploma, registration with a competent authority, etc)  

Liability and Insurance

Read the insurance sheet

Continuous Professional Development

Does a system of CPD for architects exists in your country

If yes:

Is it compulsory?

Is it encouraged?

is it free?


If it is compulsory:

is it required by law,

or by a Code of Conduct ?

If it is regulated, who regulates the system:

a professional body,

a governmental body,

a combination of the two ?

Is it organised?

Who provides the courses:

What level of training is provided:

Are certain subjects mandatory ?

What types of activities or provisions are accepted :

Do you have any evaluation criteria for the CPD material ?

Who recognize (accredits) these trainings :

Development of the trainings :

A. Estimated number of courses / year

B. Estimated number of participants / y

C. Estimated lesson hours / year

Level of requirements for the architects :

Is this required level validated or checked and how:

A. Not requested,

B. Self-assessment of value,

C. Attendance tracking,

D. Self-assessment using self-test,

E. By regular checks,

F. Examination,

G. Thesis,

H. Others means (e.g. electronic monitoring)?

Is training (provision) delivered abroad accepted?

What kind of sanction is applied for the non-compliance with CPD obligation:

A. none,

B.  Reprimand,

C. Expulsion from the register,

D. Other ?

Do you have a database of the content of your CPD Programme ?

architects in europe

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